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These 3 unhealthy habits may increase high blood pressure risk

Scientists found three common unhealthy habits that may increase high blood pressure risk.

Nuts and seeds may help lower heart disease risk

Researchers found eating a healthy diet that includes nuts and seeds may help lower the risk of heart disease and improve heart health.

MIND diet may reduce risk of vision loss disease

Scientists from Erasmus MC University Medical Center found MIND diet may reduce the risk of vision loss caused by a common eye disease.

Vitamin D deficiency linked to Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia

Scientists from Wageningen University & Research found that vitamin D deficiency is linked to Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia.

Vitamin D may reduce dangerous complications in type 2 diabetes

Adequate vitamin D levels in the body may reduce microvascular complications in people with type 2 diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory diet could help prevent fatty liver disease

Scientists from The University of Sydney and elsewhere found that anti-inflammatory diet may prevent common fatty liver disease.

Zinc and vitamin B6 linked to lower death risk in heart disease

Scientists found that adequate intake of zinc and vitamin B6 is linked to lower death risk in heart disease.

Vitamin nutrient supplements may increase fall risk in people with diabetes

Scientists found that some vitamin nutrient supplements may increase fall risk in people with diabetes.

People who exercise 150-600 minutes a week have lowest death risk

Scientists from Harvard and elsewhere found that people who exercise 150-600 minutes a week have the lowest death risk.

How red and processed meat affect heart disease risk

Red meat is commonly red when raw and has a dark color after it is cooked, in contrast to white meat, which is pale...