
About Scientific Diet

Scientific Diet is an independent online magazine that publishes scientific findings about diet and nutrition from universities and research institutes worldwide.

It was founded by Dr. Jane Yang in 2022 and is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Scientific Diet aims to connect the scientific community with the public and help people gain knowledge about food, nutrition, diet, disease prevention, and health.

The main sections of the Scientific Diet include Brain, Heart, Body, and Mind.

Brain includes scientific findings about how diet affects brain health and diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke.

Heart includes scientific findings about how diet affects heart health and diseases, such as heart attack, heart failure, and high blood pressure.

Body includes scientific findings about how diet affects sleep, body weight, diabetes, pain, and cancer risk.

Mind includes scientific findings about how diet affects mental health and mental diseases, such as autism, anxiety, and depression.

Besides publishing nutrition research from universities and other institutes, Scientific Diet also accepts and publishes articles from university researchers who have strong interests and experiences in writing nutrition and diet articles for the public.

One important feature is that each article is written in plain language without any jargon. Scientific Diet fully realizes that jargon can make health articles hard to understand and not readable. This will build a barrier between the science community and the public and make it difficult to disseminate health research findings to the audience outside the field.

To break down the barrier, Scientific Diet adopts a simple-easy writing style to make sure everyone can gain health knowledge easily. Each article is written in simple language but clearly introduces the research finding or story. Hopefully, the highly readable content can help our readers maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Scientific Diet is a division of Knowridge Pty Ltd (ACN:663 518 858).

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Editor-in-Chief: Jane Yang, Ph.D.

Jane Yang holds a Ph.D. in cognitive neuroscience and has seven years of research experience at the University of California Irvine and Macquarie University.

Dr. Yang has strong research experiences in brain science and psychology. She has published over 20 research papers in international peer-reviewed journals and served as a reviewer/editorial board member for more than 10 academic journals in her field.

In 2022, Dr. Yang decided to follow her passion for scientific writing about nutrition and health. She believes that the scientific findings about diets and nutrition could expand people’s horizons and help people choose green and healthy living styles.

Senior Editor: Tom Chou, Ph.D.

Tom Chou holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience and has 5 years of working experience in the scientific media industry.

Dr. Chou published four research papers in international peer-reviewed journals while working at Macquarie University.

Dr. Chou expands his focus to nutrition, disease prevention, and anti-aging research.

Dr. Zhou believes that science could help people live better, especially in a world that went through a global pandemic.

Editor: Yun Young, Master of Biology

Yun Young acquired his master’s degree in biology at the University of Wollongong in 2019.

Young has strong enthusiasm for scientific writing and become a science journalist after graduation. Young has 3 years of working experience in the scientific media industry.

Young is also the assistant manager of Scientific Diet.

Editorial review process

We review the latest research findings from peer-reviewed academic journals and submissions from universities and researchers. Then we select the most innovative and relevant ones based on the topics.

We write research news based on the selected materials to introduce the latest findings to the public. We use plain language to make sure our articles are comprehensible.

Our editor team proofread every article for publishing.

Our articles are thoroughly fact-checked to ensure the highest levels of integrity and accuracy.

Policies for ethics, standards, and corrections

We act responsibly in our reporting to protect the integrity of our editorial work. We present science research accurately and precisely to serve our readers and avoid giving any misinformation.

We maintain full editorial independence from any funding sources such as advertisements on our website. We don’t work with organizations that may influence scientific research.

We make sure our editorial work is free from commercial or political bias. We report evidence-based scientific research as what they are.

We actively present scientific research that includes the representation of minority groups. We use positive, thoughtful imagery instead of harmful stereotypes regardless of the topic we’re presenting.

We are accountable, transparent, and open in our editorial work, from writing all evidence-based research news in comprehensible language to making sure all contents are free and accessible to all readers, to promptly correcting errors when they arise.

In Scientific Diet, we are more than happy to receive readers’ feedback about our reports. Anyone who finds errors or typos can contact us at editor@scientificdiet.org.

Whenever a factual error occurs in one of our articles, headlines, images, photo captions, or other materials, we will quickly make a correction by fixing the error.

If the error is significant, we will add a timestamped editor’s note to the article that clearly states what was changed, and why. All editor’s notes are approved by the editor-in-chief.

If a factual error occurs in an article from a research institute, we will promptly correct it as per the procedure above, and work with the research institute to notify them of the problem.

If a factual error occurs in our social media content, we will edit the relevant posts where were possible to state a correction and take them down where the editing feature is not available, issuing a corrected post instead.

Scientific Diet offers all articles to the public at no charge. Contents on Scientific Diet are for educational purposes only. The Scientific Diet is not intended to provide medical or other professional advice. All views and opinions expressed in the articles and videos do not reflect those of the Scientific Diet