
How to contribute to Scientific Diet

Scientific Diet mainly publishes the latest diets and nutrition scientific findings from universities and research institutes. Each article is written in plain language that is easy to understand.

Currently, we welcome guest blog posts from freelancers who have strong experience in writing articles about diets or nutrition.

If you want to contribute to Scientific Diet, you can tell us your ideas or send us your draft via

Before you do that, please make sure you have read through the website and already got familiar with the topics we publish and the writing style in the articles.

What we are looking for from a guest post:

Inspiring and highly readable articles about diets, nutrition, and wellness.

They also can be helpful advice or analysis.

What we are not looking for from a guest post:

Articles full of professional terms that are hard to understand by the public; articles that are about very personal experiences and cannot inspire other people; articles that contain personal attacks, conspiracy theories, defamation, or gratuitous foul language; and articles that infringe upon another person’s intellectual property, including trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights of any type. Finally, we don’t accept keyword marketing or paid links.

Once you send us your post draft, our editors will review your submission and contact you if we would like to publish it on Scientific Diet.

We cannot guarantee each guest post will be published, but if we decide to publish your article, this will be done in two working days.

Although we don’t pay freelancers for guest posts, we are happy to provide links to your website or your other related posts. We are also willing to republish blog posts that you retain the rights to.

If you have any questions about submission to Scientific Diet, please contact us via

We are looking forward to your contributions!