How to eat to control your blood cholesterol levels
A healthy heart is often a happy one, and managing our blood cholesterol levels plays a crucial role in maintaining our heart’s cheerful rhythm.
Best and worst foods for people with heart failure
Understanding Heart Failure: A Quick Snapshot
Imagine your heart is like a diligent pump, working tirelessly to send vital blood (and thereby oxygen and nutrients)...
The heart-healthy trio: bananas, avocados, and salmon might just be women’s armor against salt
The Hidden Power of Potassium in Popular Foods
If you've ever relished a creamy avocado, savored a slice of salmon, or enjoyed a ripe banana,...
Scientists find no link between refined grains and heart disease risk
A study emerging from Arizona State University, orchestrated by Dr. Glenn Gaesser and team, introduces a perspective that veers from the conventional wisdom regarding...
Fried food may increase heart disease risk
A study emanating from Shenzhen University presents compelling evidence illustrating the correlation between fried food consumption and elevated risk for major cardiovascular incidents, such...
A heart-healthy lifestyle with vegan choices
In our daily lives, making the right food choices can be a bit of a challenge, especially when we are bombarded with various diet...
The impact of vitamin k in preventing atherosclerosis-related heart disease
In groundbreaking research by Edith Cowan University, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, Dr. Nicola Bondonno and her team have unveiled...
Right diet can be the key to survival for people with heart failure
A recent study from the University of Kentucky uncovers significant findings surrounding diet and heart health, particularly in patients suffering from heart failure.
It suggests...
Diets high in proinflammatory foods linked to heart diseases
In a groundbreaking study by Harvard scientists, pivotal connections were discovered between diets rich in red and processed meat, refined grains, and sugary beverages,...
Scientists find a new way to treat certain heart disease
A study conducted by Osaka University has found that tricaprin, a dietary supplement, can significantly reverse signs of heart disease, specifically in patients with...