Heart Health

Fried food may increase risk of heart disease, stroke

Scientists from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs found that eating fried food may increase the risks of heart disease and stroke. Deep frying is a cooking method...

Herbal supplements could harm your heart rhythm, study finds

Scientists from University Hospital Geneva found that some herbal supplements may harm heart health. They reported the case of a 56-year-old woman with heart rhythm...

Eating cranberries every day could reduce heart disease risk

Scientists from University Düsseldorf found that daily consumption of cranberries can improve blood vessels and heart health. Cranberry is an evergreen shrub that grows in...

Fast-mimicking diets could reduce risks of major diseases

Scientists from the University of Southern California found that a low-calorie, “fasting-mimicking” diet could help reduce the risks of significant health problems, including aging,...

Probiotics could help reduce high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol

Scientists from Griffith University in Australia found that probiotic intake is linked to lower heart disease risk. Probiotics are made up of good bacteria that...

This common plant nutrient could help reduce high blood pressure

Scientists from the Hospital of Southern Medical University found that quercetin, a plant pigment (flavonoid) that gives many fruit colors may help control high...

A low-carb vegan diet may help lose weight, reduce heart disease risk

Scientists from the University of Toronto found that a low-carb vegan diet may help reduce heart disease risk. A vegan or plant-based diet excludes all...

How espresso coffee affects your cholesterol level

Scientists from the UiT The Arctic University of Norway found that drinking espresso coffee could affect cholesterol levels in men and women differently. Coffee is a...

Vitamin E does not help improve heart health, study finds

Scientists from Hamilton General Hospital found that vitamin E does not change heart disease risk in people with high risks. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble...

Vitamin C, but not vitamin E, linked to lower risk of heart failure in...

Scientists from University College London found that blood levels of vitamin C, but not vitamin E, linked to a lower risk of heart failure...