Mental Health

How dairy foods may influence depression risk

Scientists from Deakin University and elsewhere found dairy foods may influence depression risk.

These foods may boost mental health in pregnancy

Scientists from University College Dublin found that fiber, magnesium, and particular B vitamins may boost mental health in pregnancy.

Fermented foods and fiber may help you reduce stress

Scientists from APC Microbiome Ireland and elsewhere found that fermented foods and fiber may help people reduce stress.

Fruits and vegetables could help improve mental health in women

Scientists from Warsaw University of Life Sciences found eating fruits and vegetables may help improve mental health in women.

Vegetarian diet may increase your depression risk, study finds

Scientists from the Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences found that eating a vegetarian diet may increase depression risk.

Vitamin D may not improve depression and physical functions, shows study

Scientists from Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute found that vitamin D 1200 IU/day does not improve depression and physical functions in older people.

MIND diet could improve cognitive health in older people

Scientists from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences found that eating a MIND diet could help improve cognitive function in older people. Cognitive decline can range from...

Eating more nuts may help lower the depression risk

Scientists from Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha found that eating more nuts is linked to a lower risk of depression. Depression is a mental health disorder...

Mixed tree nuts boost gut health, cognitive function, shows study

Scientists from Northumbria University found eating mixed tree nuts for 4 weeks could improve gut health and cognitive function. Cognition basically means using your brain. It is...

Fish and fruit in the Mediterranean diet offer big brain benefits

Scientists from University College London and elsewhere found fish and fruit intake in the Mediterranean diet provide major health benefits. Dementia is a group of...