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Plant-based diets may help prevent 6 diseases

Recent research from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, led by Saray Stancic and published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, suggests that...

Tackling fatty liver with food: the do’s and don’ts

What’s the Fuss About Fatty Liver? Imagine your liver as a hardworking factory inside your body. It processes everything you eat and drink, filters harmful...

Foods that help and hurt in chronic kidney disease

If you think of your body as a bustling city, your kidneys are like the waste management department. They filter out the bad stuff...

DASH to health: a simple guide to lowering blood pressure

What is the DASH Diet? If high blood pressure has got you worried, the DASH Diet might be your new best friend. DASH stands for...

The simple guide to starting a vegan diet for better health

You've probably heard a lot about veganism lately. Maybe it's from a friend who won't stop talking about how great they feel, or maybe...

Embrace the Viking vibe: the beginner’s guide to the Nordic diet for better wellbeing

Why Choose the Nordic Diet? Ever wondered why Scandinavians look so healthy and happy? Well, the secret might just lie in their diet. The Nordic Diet,...

Boost your brainpower: The MIND Diet for dementia prevention

What is the MIND Diet? Getting forgetful as you age? Concerned about dementia or Alzheimer's? Then you might want to take a look at the...

Ultra-processed foods could speed up brain aging

Convenient, tasty, and long-lasting—ultra-processed foods seem to offer a solution to our fast-paced lives. However, emerging research suggests that the long-term costs to our health...

How dairy vs plant-based foods affect influence your tooth health

You diligently brush your teeth, floss, and even use mouthwash, but have you ever considered how your diet affects your dental health? Research suggests that...

Is diet soda safe? New research raises questions about artificial sweeteners

You've probably heard about aspartame, the artificial sweetener that's in many diet sodas, sugar-free gums, and other "low-cal" products. Well, a health agency connected to...