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Junk food and diabetes: understanding the connection and making healthier choices

Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how your body processes blood sugar (glucose). Type 2 diabetes, the most common form, is often linked...

Can chili peppers help with obesity?

Obesity is a major health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. Many people look for natural ways to help manage their weight, and chili peppers...

Beetroot juice is a natural remedy for high blood pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common health issue that can lead to serious problems like heart disease and stroke if not managed...

Can diet help slow cognitive decline after a stroke?

A stroke can be a life-changing event, affecting many aspects of health, including cognitive functions like memory, attention, and problem-solving. While medical treatments and rehabilitation...

Could eating more calories help people with Parkinson’s live longer?

Parkinson's disease is a condition that affects the brain and leads to shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with walking, balance, and coordination. It's a progressive disorder,...

Vitamin A: A shield against skin cancer?

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, affecting millions of people worldwide. There is a lot of interest in finding ways...

Cranberry juice could help prevent UTIs, shows study

Drinking cranberry juice can significantly reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs), according to a recent study led by researchers at Bond University. The...

What causes lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is a common condition that affects many people worldwide. Simply put, it means that a person has trouble digesting lactose, a type...

Health benefits of mushrooms everyone needs to know

Mushrooms are a fascinating and versatile part of our diet, often found in salads, soups, and many other dishes. But did you know that mushrooms...

Vitamin C and E: Can they help fight lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a serious illness that affects many people worldwide. Researchers have been looking into various ways to prevent and treat this disease, and...