One avocado per day does not reduce belly fat, study finds
Scientists from Tufts University and elsewhere found that eating one avocado per day does not reduce belly fat effectively.
Keto diet could help reduce blood sugar, body weight better than low-carb diet
Scientists from Hamad Medical Corporation and elsewhere found a keto diet may reduce blood sugar and body weight better than a low-carb diet.
A healthy diet could prevent excessive belly fat in women
Scientists from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that a healthy diet may prevent excessive belly fat in women.
Green Mediterranean diet can reduce belly fat much better
In a study from Ben-Gurion University, scientists found following the green Mediterranean diet strongly reduces belly fat.
Mediterranean diet could effectively prevent obesity
Scientists from University Federico II in Italy and elsewhere found Mediterranean diet may be the healthiest diet for obesity prevention.
Dietary supplements may help obese people lose weight
Scientists from the Poznań University of Life Sciences found dietary supplements may help obese people lose weight.
Weight loss surgery could help lower heart disease risk, shows study
Scientists found obese adults with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) could benefit from bariatric surgery for weight loss.
Very low-calorie-keto diet could reduce weight in people with obesity, kidney failure
A very low-calorie keto diet effectively reduces weight in people with obesity and mild kidney failure.
Early time-restricted eating could help lose weight and improve blood pressure
Scientists found that early time-restricted eating could help people lose weight and improve blood pressure.
Keto diet could help control body weight, blood sugar in type 2 diabetes
A keto diet could help control body weight, blood sugar, and blood cholesterol in people newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.