Long-term intake of extra virgin olive oil could help boost wounds recovery

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Recently, there was a study conducted to learn more about the effects of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) on wound healing.

EVOO is known to have many benefits for our skin, especially for chronic wounds. However, researchers were not sure how it affected acute wounds, which are wounds that have just occurred.

To study this, scientists used mice as their test subjects.

They fed some of the mice a diet that was rich in EVOO for short periods, such as 1 week, and long periods, such as 1 month or 3 months. They compared these mice to a group of mice that were given a regular diet.

To understand the effects of EVOO on the healing process, researchers looked at how macrophages, a type of immune cell, reacted to EVOO in a lab setting.

They treated the macrophages with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) or hydroxytyrosol (HT), which is a substance found in EVOO.

The researchers discovered that when mice were given a short-term EVOO rich diet, their wounds did not heal as quickly as the wounds of mice who were given a regular diet.

This was because the EVOO caused an increase in inflammation and oxidative damage, which slowed down the healing process.

However, when the mice were given a long-term extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) rich diet, their wounds healed faster than those of the mice given a regular diet.

This was because the EVOO increased the levels of anti-inflammatory molecules and reduced oxidative damage, which helped to speed up the healing process.

The researchers also found that when they treated macrophages with EVOO or HT, the macrophages became more anti-inflammatory in nature, which helped the healing process.

In conclusion, the study showed that extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) can have positive effects on acute wound healing, but the duration of the extra virgin olive oil intake is important.

Short-term intake can lead to inflammation and slow down the healing process, while long-term intake can speed up the healing process.

The effects of EVOO on oxidation and inflammation in acute wounds are linked to EVOO polyphenol HT.

How to help wounds heal

There are several things you can do to help wounds heal faster and prevent infection:

Clean the wound: The first step in wound care is to clean the wound thoroughly with soap and water. This helps to remove any dirt or debris that may be present in the wound, which can cause infection.

Apply an antibiotic ointment: Applying an antibiotic ointment to the wound can help to prevent infection and promote healing.

Cover the wound: Covering the wound with a sterile bandage or dressing can help to keep the wound clean and prevent further injury.

Keep the wound moist: Keeping the wound moist can help to promote faster healing. You can use a specialized wound dressing or apply petroleum jelly to the wound to keep it moist.

Change the bandage regularly: It’s important to change the bandage or dressing on the wound regularly, usually once a day, to keep the wound clean and promote healing.

Keep the wound elevated: If the wound is on a limb, keeping it elevated can help to reduce swelling and promote faster healing.

Avoid picking at the scab: While it may be tempting to pick at the scab that forms over the wound, this can actually slow down the healing process and increase the risk of infection. It’s best to leave the scab alone and let it fall off naturally.

Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy diet that is rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals can help to promote faster healing.

If you have a deep or large wound, or if the wound is not healing as it should, it’s important to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional.

The research was published in Wound Repair and Regeneration and was conducted by Aline Donato-Trancoso et al.

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