The link between high-fat diets and brain health: what you need to know
Have you ever wondered what happens to your brain when you eat a lot of fatty foods? Scientists from Michigan Medicine recently did a...
Enhancing cognitive health in aging: 5 diets to consider
certain diets can slow this process, enhancing brain health among older individuals. Here, we discuss some of the best diets for supporting brain health in older individuals.
Boost your brainpower: easy guide to the MIND diet for dementia prevention
MIND stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay.
It's a mix of two healthy diets - Mediterranean and DASH. MIND is designed to protect your...
Ultra-processed foods and cognitive decline: unraveling the complex link
Unhealthy diets, rich in fat and sugar, have long been linked to brain changes and cognitive impairments.
Genetics and socioeconomic factors often contribute to cognitive...
High salt intake could impair cognitive function in older people
A high intake of sodium and a high sodium to potassium ratio in the diet can increase the risk of memory impairment in elderly individuals.
The coconut oil secret for a brain free of Alzheimer’s
Researchers from Catholic University of Valencia in Spain believed coconut oil could help improve the brains of people with Alzheimer's disease.
Mushroom compound enhances memory and nerve growth
Compounds from the Hericium erinaceus mushroom, also known as the 'lion's mane' mushroom, can help brain cells grow and improve memory.
Cranberries may enhance memory function in older adults
Scientists have conducted a study exploring the potential benefits of cranberries on cognitive function in older individuals.
Eating a high-fiber diet may help lower dementia risk, study finds
Scientists from the University of Tsukuba have discovered that consuming a high-fiber diet may be associated with a reduced risk of developing dementia.
Dietary fiber,...
How your diet can influence your dementia risk
Dementia, characterized by a decline in memory, communication, and problem-solving skills, poses a significant health challenge globally.
The exact cause of dementia is not fully...