Eating green: sustainable diet linked to lower risk of brain problems

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Think green for better brain health. That’s what a new study from Aarhus University in Denmark suggests.

According to the researchers, if you eat a sustainable diet – one with more vegetables and less meat – you may have a lower risk of experiencing bleeding or blood clots in the brain.

Study Details and Findings

The research team used data from a big Danish study called the Diet, Cancer, and Health study, which started in the early 1990s.

This study gathered information from 57,053 adults aged between 50 and 64. These participants answered questions about what they eat and their way of living.

The researchers then tracked these people over the years, using Danish registers, to see who developed bleeding and blood clots in the brain.

They discovered a link between a sustainable diet and a lower risk of these brain problems.

The study showed that men and women who follow a sustainable diet and meet the Nordic recommendations for dietary fiber intake have a lower risk of bleeding or blood clots in the brain.

Sustainable Diet vs. Vegetarian Diet

Interestingly, a previous study from the UK found that vegetarians, who also tend to eat more vegetables and less meat, had a higher risk of brain hemorrhages compared to those who ate meat.

This result was worrying, given that a vegetarian diet shares many similarities with a sustainable diet.

But the Danish team’s findings show that it’s safe to eat a sustainable diet – and it might even be beneficial for brain health.

The Future of Sustainable Eating

Food is a key part of our health. But it’s also a major factor in climate change and environmental issues.

The team from Aarhus University highlights the need for people to eat more sustainably. But it’s also crucial that they eat healthily.

In light of their findings, the researchers suggest that more research should be done.

This could include looking at Danish dietary habits and the impact of sustainable foods like oat milk and plant-based meat alternatives. They also suggest studying how to help Danes follow climate-friendly dietary advice.

If you’re interested in brain health, you might want to check out some other recent studies. Some researchers have found that certain common foods could increase your risk of dementia.

Others have shown that a commonly used food oil in the U.S. can affect genes in the brain.

The study from Aarhus University was published in the journal Stroke. The team was led by Christina Dahm.

Their research adds to our understanding of the connection between what we eat and our brain health, as well as the potential benefits of sustainable eating.

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