Heart Health

Wild blueberries can benefit your heart and brain

Have you ever heard of blueberries being good for your brain and heart? It turns out that there is evidence to support this idea!

Nuts and seeds may help lower heart disease risk

Researchers found eating a healthy diet that includes nuts and seeds may help lower the risk of heart disease and improve heart health.

Mediterranean diet could help prevent heart disease in women

Scientists from The University of Sydney and elsewhere found that the Mediterranean diet could help prevent heart disease in women.

Vegetarian diets could help lower heart disease risk, but not stroke risk

Scientists from the University of Oslo found that vegetarian diets may help lower the risk of heart disease, but not stroke risk.

Dairy food intake linked to lower death risk in heart disease

Scientists from Nutritional Strategies in Canada found dairy food intake is linked to lower death risk in heart disease, but not in cancer.

Extra virgin olive oil may prevent heart disease in people with chronic kidney disease

Scientists found that extra virgin olive oil may prevent heart disease in people with chronic kidney disease.

Natural coconut sugar could help reduce blood pressure, artery stiffness

Scientists found that natural coconut sugar may help reduce artery stiffness and high blood pressure in older people.

Zinc and vitamin B6 linked to lower death risk in heart disease

Scientists found that adequate intake of zinc and vitamin B6 is linked to lower death risk in heart disease.

Folate and vitamin B6 may help lower heart disease risk in diabetes

Scientists find that intake of folate and vitamin B6 is linked to a lower risk of heart disease in diabetes.

Drinking more coffee linked to heart rhythm disease

Scientists from Mayo Clinic found that drinking more coffee is linked to a higher risk of irregular heartbeat.