Heart Health

Saturated fats, dairy foods and heart health: What to know

New study reveals that saturated fats, particularly in dairy foods, may not be directly linked to heart disease risk..

Replacing red meat with other protein sources may prevent heart disease, death

Scientists from Soochow University found that replacing red meat with other protein sources may prevent heart disease and early death.

Olive oil could help lower risks of heart disease, stroke

Scientists from Karolinska Institutet found that olive oil intake in daily diet may help lower risks of heart disease, and stroke.

Omega-3 fats may prevent heart failure in people with type 2 diabetes

Scientists from Brigham and Women's Hospital and elsewhere found omega-3 fatty acids may prevent heart failure in people with type 2 diabetes.

Omega-3 fats may lower risk of irregular heart rhythm

Scientists from Aalborg University Hospital and elsewhere found that intake of omega-3 fats may lower the risk of irregular heart rhythm.

Fatty fish, but not lean fish, could benefit your heart health

Scientists from Federico II University of Naples and elsewhere found that fatty fish could benefit your heart health, but not lean fish.

Taking a 5-minute walk every half an hour could lower blood sugar, blood pressure

Scientists find that taking a 5-minute walk every half an hour could help lower blood sugar and blood pressure effectively.

Mediterranean diet could benefit people with peripheral artery disease

Scientists from University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf found the Mediterranean diet may benefit people with peripheral artery disease.

Walnuts could help reduce ‘bad’ blood cholesterol, high blood pressure

Scientists from Imo State University found eating walnuts daily could help reduce ‘bad’ blood cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Vegan diets could benefit heart and metabolic health, study finds

Scientists from Copenhagen University Hospital found vegan diets may benefit the heart and metabolic health of people with type 2 diabetes or overweight.