Heart Health

Refined grains may increase risks of heart disease and death

Scientists from St John’s Research Institute found that a high intake of highly processed (refined) grains is linked to higher risks of heart disease...

Dark chocolate and almonds may protect heart health in obese people

Scientists from Penn State University found that eating nearly almonds every day—either alone or combined with dark chocolate and cocoa—may reduce the risk for...

Eating whole grains may help control blood pressure, blood sugar

Scientists from Tufts University found that people who ate at least three servings of whole grains daily had smaller increases in waist size, blood...

Vegetarian diets protect heart health in people with diabetes

Scientists from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine found that plant-based diets improve blood sugar control, lead to weight loss, and improve cholesterol in...

Chinese heart-healthy diet could lower blood pressure, study finds

Scientists from Peking University found that eating a modified version of traditional Chinese food containing half the amount of sodium may strongly lower blood...

Flavonoid-rich foods could help reduce death risk in heart disease

Scientists from Kyung Hee University in South Korea found that foods high in flavonoids may help reduce heart disease death risk. The research is published...

A whole-food plant-based diet could reverse heart failure, study finds

Scientists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine found that a whole-food plant-based diet reversed heart failure without medications or surgeries. Angina is chest pain or...

These foods could improve ‘good cholesterol’ in the body

Scientists from August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute found that eating heart-healthy foods may improve ‘good cholesterol’ function in the body. The research is...

Mediterranean diet could improve blood vessel function in heart disease

Scientists from the University of Córdoba found that eating the Mediterranean diet could help improve blood vessel functions in people with heart disease. Endothelial dysfunction...

Vegetarian diet could help reduce heart disease risk

Scientists from Örebro University Hospital found that eating a vegetarian diet may help reduce heart disease risk. What is ischemic heart disease? It's the term...