High Blood Pressure

Cocoa beverage and dark chocolate could help lower blood pressure

Researchers found that cocoa intake for ≥2 weeks was linked to reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

Natural coconut sugar could help reduce blood pressure, artery stiffness

Scientists found that natural coconut sugar may help reduce artery stiffness and high blood pressure in older people.

Cocoa can reduce blood pressure, arterial stiffness

Scientists from the University of Surrey and elsewhere found that cocoa can reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness in normal aging.

Too little or too much vitamin E intake linked to high blood pressure

Scientists from Southern Medical University found that too little or too much vitamin E intake is linked to high blood pressure.

Drinking coffee could help control blood pressure, shows study

In a study from the University of Bologna and elsewhere, scientists found that drinking coffee helps maintain low blood pressure.

Taking a 5-minute walk every half an hour could lower blood sugar, blood pressure

Scientists find that taking a 5-minute walk every half an hour could help lower blood sugar and blood pressure effectively.

Walnuts could help reduce ‘bad’ blood cholesterol, high blood pressure

Scientists from Imo State University found eating walnuts daily could help reduce ‘bad’ blood cholesterol and high blood pressure.

Reducing sodium intake could help prevent and treat high blood pressure

Scientists from UCSI University and elsewhere found reducing sodium intake can effectively prevent and treat high blood pressure.

People with severe high blood pressure should reduce coffee intake, shows study

People with severe high blood pressure who drink two or more cups of caffeinated coffee each day could double their risk of dying from heart disease and stroke.

Certain plant-based foods could benefit people with high blood pressure

Scientists from the University of Catania found eating certain plant-based foods could benefit people with high blood pressure.