High Blood Pressure

Added sugar in your diet is linked to higher blood pressure

Scientists from the University of Delaware found that added sugar in daily diet is strongly linked to high blood pressure in older women. Hypertension or...

This olive oil could reduce blood pressure in healthy people

Scientists from La Trobe University found that high polyphenol extra virgin olive oil could help reduce blood pressure in healthy adults. The research is published...

Drinking green or black tea could help lower blood pressure

Scientists from Guilan University of Medical Sciences found that drinking green or black tea may help lower blood pressure. The health benefits of green tea...

How tea and coffee influence your risk of high blood pressure

Scientists from Duke-NUS Medical School found that drinking tea and coffee in specific ways may affect people’s risk of high blood pressure. The research is...

Beetroot juice could help lower high blood pressure

Scientists from the Queen Mary University of London found that drinking beetroot juice daily could help lower high blood pressure. The beetroot is the taproot...

Probiotics could help reduce high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol

Scientists from Griffith University in Australia found that probiotic intake is linked to lower heart disease risk. Probiotics are made up of good bacteria that...

This common plant nutrient could help reduce high blood pressure

Scientists from the Hospital of Southern Medical University found that quercetin, a plant pigment (flavonoid) that gives many fruit colors may help control high...

Long-term intake of licorice could cause these dangerous problems

Scientists from Santa Maria Della Misericordia General Hospital found that long-term intake of licorice could strongly harm one’s health. Licorice that contains glycyrrhizin is possibly...

Black licorice could cause dangerous high blood pressure

Scientists from the University of Rochester found that eating too much black licorice could lead to high blood pressure. Licorice is an herb that grows in...

Can dairy fat harm your blood pressure and metabolic health?

Scientists from the University of Washington and elsewhere found that dairy fat does not increase or decrease heart disease risk factors. Dairy products or milk...