
Natural supplements to control inflammation in the body

Inflammation is like your body’s way of protecting itself when you get hurt or sick. It jumps in to heal injuries or fight off...

Sugary drinks might increase diabetes risk via the gut

It’s well known that drinking sugary beverages can raise the risk of diabetes, but scientists have long wondered why. A new study, published in Cell Metabolism,...

Food for thought: How diet affects the brain over a lifetime

A wealth of research shows that what people eat affects the body's ability to ward off heart disease and stroke. And a growing body of...

Ginger compound may treat inflammatory bowel disease

A team of international researchers, led by scientists from the University of Toronto, has discovered a compound in ginger that may help treat inflammatory...

Common artificial sweeteners linked to higher risk of heart disease

Artificial sweeteners like aspartame have long been promoted as a healthier alternative to sugar, allowing people to enjoy sweet treats without the extra calories. However,...

How Vitamin B₁ travels through your body and why it matters

Vitamin B₁, also known as thiamine, is crucial for our health. It helps keep our cells functioning, but our bodies can't make it on their...

Key signs your liver is damaged by alcohol

Alcohol-related liver disease (ARLD) is a serious global health issue due to the essential role the liver plays in breaking down alcohol. Excessive drinking can...

Are you over 75? Here’s what you need to know about vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential for bone health, immune function and overall well-being. And it becomes even more crucial as we age. New guidelines from the...

Early breakfast and longer overnight fasting may help keep weight in check

New research suggests that not just what we eat, but also when we eat, plays an important role in managing body weight. A study published...

Natural supplements that help fight your inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response by the body to protect itself and heal. It can be beneficial when your body needs to recover from...