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Scientists find the potential role of PUFAs in platelet production

Patients grappling with low platelet counts, particularly those undergoing chemotherapy, stand on a precipice, ever-threatened by the peril of uncontrolled bleeding. While transfusions offer a...

The power of Mediterranean and low-fat diets for heart health

In a world where an abundance of dietary advice pervades, a review in The BMJ presents a robust argument for the superiority of Mediterranean...

How diet could help prevent vision loss in older people

For those experiencing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a gradual loss of sharp, central vision becomes a poignant reality, transforming everyday sights into fading memories. AMD...

A deeper bite into the health implications of apples

Debunking the Age-Old Adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” – a maxim most of us have encountered at some point in our...

How diet can affect your risk of vision loss

If your eyes were a camera, the macula would be the central part of the lens that helps you see clearly. But sometimes, especially as...

Full-fat dairy foods may benefit your health, study finds

In a twist to the well-known tale of caution against fatty foods, a recent study pops a surprising bubble: some fatty foods, like full-fat...

Brain foods nourish your mind to outsmart dementia.

Dementia, an umbrella term that encompasses various conditions affecting cognitive function, has been a perplexing puzzle for medical researchers and a challenging reality for...

A guide to foods that boost your sports performance

When it comes to delivering your best on the sports field, the fuel you give your body becomes a pivotal player in your performance. It’s...

Diets that boost your muscle strength

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, a little extra muscle can go a long way, whether you’re lifting grocery bags, playing with...

Navigating the menu: what to eat (and avoid) for a happy liver

The Basics: Understanding Fatty Liver Disease Let's begin with a peek inside our bodies at a pivotal player in our health: the liver. Imagine it...