Scientists from the Division of Health Promotion and Wellness and elsewhere found that a whole food, high fiber, plant-based diet could improve health.
The study looked at a program called Full Plate Living (FPL) that encourages people to eat mostly whole plant-based foods.
The researchers wanted to see if the program helped people improve their eating habits and health.
Over a three-year period, almost 7,000 people enrolled in the program, but only about 4,500 completed it.
The researchers looked at the data from those who finished the program and divided them into different age groups.
The program involved providing participants with materials and weekly online lessons to help them adopt healthier eating habits.
The researchers measured various aspects of health, including eating behaviors, self-perceived health status and energy, body weight, and confidence in healthy eating and weight loss.
The researchers found that the program helped people improve their eating habits, with participants reporting eating more servings of fruits, vegetables, and beans.
Participants reported big improvements in their eating behaviors, such as consuming more servings of fruits, vegetables, and beans.
This is a positive outcome as a diet rich in plant-based foods has been linked to lower risks of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
They also lost weight and reported feeling healthier and more energized. This is associated with a range of health benefits, including lower risks of chronic diseases, improved mobility, and better mental health.
Additionally, the program helped increase participants’ confidence in making healthy food choices and losing weight.
They reported feeling better and more energetic after completing the program. This is important as feeling healthy and energetic can improve one’s quality of life and productivity.
Participants also reported feeling more confident in their ability to make healthy food choices and maintain a healthy weight. This increased confidence can lead to sustained behavior changes and long-term health benefits.
These improvements were seen across all age groups, suggesting that the program can be effective for people of different ages.
The researchers concluded that the FPL program may be a helpful addition to lifestyle medicine and corporate wellness offerings, and recommended further research to evaluate the program over a longer period of time.
The research was published in the American Journal of Health Promotion and was conducted by Rebecca Kelly et al.
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