Fiber fights constipation: a study review

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Ever had a stomach ache and found it hard to go to the bathroom? That’s called constipation.

It’s when your poop is dry, hard, and it’s tough to push it out. It’s not fun, and it’s a common problem for a lot of kids.

What Helps Constipation: A Clue

But guess what? There’s something simple that can help. It’s called fiber. Fiber is a part of food that your body can’t digest. It might not sound helpful, but it actually is.

What is Fiber?

Fiber is found in a lot of foods we eat. Fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains have lots of it.

When we eat these foods, fiber helps add bulk to our poop, making it easier to pass. It’s like a broom that sweeps out our insides!

The Evidence: Fiber to the Rescue

Now, let’s talk about what the science says. There have been lots of studies on fiber and constipation.

One big study looked at over 1000 kids who had constipation. The kids who ate more fiber got better faster. They didn’t have as many stomach aches and used the bathroom more regularly.

Another study gave kids with constipation more fiber in their diets for 6 months. The researchers found that these kids had fewer problems with constipation.

Yet another research showed that kids who ate more fiber had softer poop. This made going to the bathroom easier and more comfortable.

How Much Fiber is Enough?

So, how much fiber should you eat? According to experts, kids between 9 and 13 should have about 26 to 31 grams of fiber every day.

That’s like eating 6 apples, or 4 cups of cooked broccoli, or 2 cups of beans. It might seem a lot, but don’t worry! You can spread it out over the whole day.

Fun Ways to Get More Fiber

It might be a challenge to get all that fiber. But here’s the fun part. There are so many yummy high-fiber foods you can enjoy!

Fruity Fiber: Fruits like apples, oranges, bananas, and berries are full of fiber. You can have them as a snack, in a fruit salad, or blended into a smoothie.

Veggie Power: Veggies are also great for fiber. You can have them raw with a dip, roasted in the oven, or mixed in your favorite pasta.

Whole Grain Goodness: Swap your regular bread and pasta for whole grain versions. They’re not just healthier, they’re also more filling!

Bean Bonanza: Beans are fiber superstars. Add them to salads, soups, or wraps.

Nuts and Seeds: Nuts and seeds are a great snack and they’re packed with fiber. Just remember, they also have a lot of fat, so don’t eat too many.

The Fiber Full Picture

So, there you have it! Fiber is a simple, natural way to help with constipation. Studies show that eating more fiber can make your poop softer and easier to pass.

Plus, it helps keep your tummy happy. So, next time you’re reaching for a snack, pick something high in fiber. Your body will thank you!

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