Time-restricted eating could protect blood sugar in type 2 diabetes

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A recent study conducted by scientists from Maastricht University has revealed that following a time-restricted eating protocol, which limits food intake to a maximum 10-hour time window, can benefit metabolic health in people with type 2 diabetes.

This research, published in Diabetologia and conducted by Prof. Patrick Schrauwen et al., sheds light on a potential dietary intervention to help manage the condition.

Understanding Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a condition characterized by insulin resistance, where the body becomes less responsive to the effects of insulin, leading to high blood sugar levels.

It is influenced by genetic and family-related risk factors but is also closely tied to modifiable lifestyle risk factors.

Lifestyle changes, such as dietary modifications and increased physical activity, can significantly slow down or even halt the progression of the condition.

Time-Restricted Eating and Its Benefits

Time-restricted eating involves limiting food consumption to a specific number of hours each day, typically within an 8- to 12-hour daytime window, followed by a fasting period of 12 to 16 hours.

Unlike intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating does not restrict the amount of food consumed during the eating window.

By practicing time-restricted eating, individuals aim to improve metabolic health by prolonging the overnight fasting period, which may lead to better blood sugar control and improved insulin sensitivity.

Previous Research and the Current Study

Previous studies have demonstrated the positive metabolic effects of time-restricted eating, particularly with 6-8 hours of eating within the daily window, in healthy overweight adults. Building on this knowledge, the current study focused on investigating the impact of time-restricted eating on blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

The researchers conducted a three-week study involving 14 adults with type 2 diabetes who followed a time-restricted eating regimen (10-hour eating window) or a control regimen (14-hour eating window).

Key Findings

The study’s results indicated that time-restricted eating had a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Participants following the time-restricted eating regimen experienced lower 24-hour blood sugar levels, primarily due to reduced nighttime blood sugar levels.

Fasting blood sugar levels and 24-hour blood sugar levels were consistently lower in the time-restricted eating group compared to the control group.

Notably, the study found no negative effects associated with the interventions.

Insights and Future Directions

Although time-restricted eating showed promise in improving blood sugar levels, the study did not observe changes in insulin sensitivity.

Further research is needed to confirm these findings and explore additional aspects of metabolic health affected by time-restricted eating in individuals with type 2 diabetes.


The study conducted by Prof. Patrick Schrauwen and his team at Maastricht University highlights the potential benefits of a 10-hour time-restricted eating regimen for individuals with type 2 diabetes.

The findings suggest that implementing this dietary approach can improve blood sugar control in adults with type 2 diabetes.

However, it is essential to continue investigating the long-term effects of time-restricted eating, particularly in terms of insulin sensitivity.

Time-restricted eating may provide a feasible, safe, and effective strategy to support metabolic health in individuals with type 2 diabetes, complementing other lifestyle interventions.

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The research was published in Diabetologia and conducted by Prof. Patrick Schrauwen et al.

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