Can protein and a cup of joe lower women’s risk of hip fractures?

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Hip fractures are a big deal.

They can lead to other illnesses, cause a loss of independence, and even lead to death earlier than expected.

But, according to a study from the University of Leeds, there’s a simple solution: eat more protein and drink more tea or coffee.

The researchers found that for women, an increase of 25 grams of protein per day could reduce their risk of a hip fracture by 14% on average.

Surprise Benefit of Tea and Coffee

Interestingly, they also found that every extra cup of tea or coffee these women drank reduced their risk by an additional 4%.

Protein’s Potency for Underweight Women

The benefits were even greater for underweight women. A 25 gram-per-day increase in protein reduced their risk of hip fracture by a whopping 45%.

Different Protein Sources

The source of protein didn’t matter. It could come from meat, dairy, or eggs. For those on a plant-based diet, it could come from beans, nuts, or legumes.

A few examples: Three to four eggs, a steak or piece of salmon, or 100 grams of tofu would provide around 25 grams of protein.

A Deeper Look into the Study

The study analyzed the diets of more than 26,000 women. Just over 3% of them experienced a hip fracture. This makes it one of the first studies to investigate the relationship between food intake and the risk of hip fracture.

Protein’s Role in Bone and Muscle Health

Protein is like a super fuel for our cells, tissues, and muscles. It helps everything work properly and contributes to bone health.

For women who are underweight, they might have less bone mineral density and muscle mass.

Increasing their intake of protein (and other foods and nutrients) could help reduce their risk of hip fracture by improving their bone and muscle health.

If you’re interested in bone health, you might want to read up on studies about vegetarian women having a higher risk of hip fractures and how certain vitamins could help reduce the risk of bone fractures.

Also, there are new findings about how krill oil could improve muscle health in older people and how a Mediterranean diet could help lower the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

This study, led by James Webster, was published in the journal Clinical Nutrition.

If you care about wellness, please read studies about vitamin K deficiency linked to hip fractures in old people, and these vitamins could help reduce bone fracture risk.

For more information about wellness, please see recent studies that Krill oil could improve muscle health in older people, and eating yogurt linked to lower frailty in older people.

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