Keto diet enhances pancreatic cancer treatment

Credit: Sam Moghadam Khamseh/ Unsplash

A groundbreaking study conducted by the Translational Genomics Research Institute has revealed that a ketogenic diet, characterized by low carbohydrates and protein but high fat content, can effectively enhance the treatment of pancreatic cancer when combined with a triple-drug therapy.

Targeting Pancreatic Cancer Cells

The study demonstrated that the ketogenic diet significantly reduces glucose levels within the tumor, effectively starving the cancer cells.

Additionally, the diet increases the production of ketone bodies by the liver, exerting additional stress on the cancer cells.

This destabilization of the cancer cells creates a microenvironment that enhances the effectiveness of the triple-drug therapy developed by the research team.

Furthermore, the ketogenic diet was found to have a positive impact on antitumor immunity by promoting pro-inflammatory tumor gene expression, further weakening the cancer cells.

To further investigate the potential benefits of adding a ketogenic diet to the triple-drug therapy, the research team initiated a clinical trial involving up to 40 patients at five centers across the nation.

The trial aims to evaluate whether the combination of the ketogenic diet with the triple-drug therapy can improve overall survival in patients with pancreatic cancer.

Patients participating in the trial will be randomly assigned to receive either the triple-drug regimen with a standard diet or the same regimen alongside a ketogenic diet.

The dietary aspects of the study will be closely monitored.

The results of this study hold great promise for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, a disease with poor prognoses and limited therapeutic options.

By exploring the benefits of the ketogenic diet in combination with targeted drug therapies, researchers are striving to revolutionize the management and outcomes of pancreatic cancer.


Pancreatic cancer is a highly aggressive form of cancer with limited treatment options and low survival rates.

It is characterized by the abnormal growth of cells in the pancreas, a glandular organ responsible for producing enzymes that aid digestion and hormones that regulate blood sugar levels.

Pancreatic cancer is often challenging to detect at an early stage, leading to delayed diagnosis and limited treatment opportunities.

The development of innovative therapeutic approaches, such as the combination of ketogenic diets and targeted drug therapies, represents a significant advancement in the field of pancreatic cancer research.

As the understanding of pancreatic cancer continues to evolve, researchers are actively exploring novel treatment strategies to improve patient outcomes and increase survival rates.

The studies mentioned in this article highlight promising avenues for future investigations and hold the potential to transform the landscape of pancreatic cancer treatment.

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