People need to eat healthier food to prevent colon cancer

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According to scientists from the Mayo Clinic, there’s a worrying trend on the rise: more and more people are being diagnosed with colon cancer at a younger age.

In the past, colon cancer was typically diagnosed in people aged 72 and older, but now it’s becoming increasingly common in those younger than 50.

The researchers have observed a shift in the median age at diagnosis, from 72 years in the early 2000s to just 66 years now.

Colon cancer in younger people is a concern because most cases don’t seem to have a clear hereditary basis.

That means that they can’t be easily attributed to genetic factors passed down through families. Instead, it seems that these cases of colon cancer are popping up without an identifiable cause.

The Role of Lifestyle Factors

The research team suggests that lifestyle factors, such as diet and physical activity, may play a role in the increasing rates of colon cancer among younger individuals.

Poor dietary habits, including eating a lot of red and processed meats, refined grains, and processed sugar, can disrupt the balance of bacteria in our guts.

This imbalance can lead to chronic inflammation and obesity, both of which can increase the risk of developing colon cancer.

To combat the rise of early-onset colon cancer, the researchers emphasize the need for public health measures.

One of the ways to address this is by promoting healthy dietary habits and encouraging physical activity from adolescence.

Eating a plant-based diet and getting regular exercise can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria. In turn, this can lower the risk of developing colon cancer.

Future Research Directions

The research team is also involved in ongoing studies with large cohorts and international consortia.

The goal is to identify exposures early in life that could potentially lead to the development of early-onset colon cancer.

The increasing prevalence of colon cancer in younger individuals is a concerning trend that calls for immediate attention.

By understanding the role of lifestyle factors and promoting healthier habits, it may be possible to curb the rise of this disease among younger populations.

As the research progresses, the scientists hope to pinpoint more exact causes and further refine preventive measures.

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