Boosting your fiber intake without the tummy troubles

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We all know fiber is good for us, but did you know that most of us aren’t eating enough of it? In America, only a small percentage of adults eat the recommended amount of fiber each day.

Now, scientists from the University of Illinois have looked into how we can eat more fiber without facing common problems like gas and bloating. Here’s a simple breakdown of their findings.

Why is Fiber So Important?

Before diving into the research, let’s talk about why fiber is such a big deal. Imagine fiber as the broom of your digestive system.

It helps clean things out and keep everything moving smoothly. When we eat enough fiber, our stomachs and intestines are happier, and we feel better overall.

There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber, found in oats and beans, dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance in the stomach.

This type of fiber can help reduce blood cholesterol and sugar levels. Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, can be found in whole-wheat bread and some vegetables. It helps food pass more quickly through the stomach and intestines.

Besides digestion, fiber has other health benefits. It can help lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and some types of cancer. Plus, foods high in fiber usually make you feel full, so you might eat less and maintain a healthy weight.

But the problem is, even with all these benefits, many of us don’t eat enough fiber. For an average adult, the goal should be to eat about 28 grams of fiber each day.

That’s like eating a cup of beans, two apples, a cup of broccoli, and a slice of whole-wheat bread. But, most of us are nowhere near that target.

What the Research Says

The team at the University of Illinois wanted to see how we can add more fiber to our food without causing discomfort. Here’s what they found:

Different Fibers, Different Tolerance: Not all fibers are created equal. Some fibers can be easily added to our diet, while others might cause gas or bloating if we eat too much too quickly.

For example, soy fiber can be eaten in larger amounts without problems, while alginate (from seaweed) might cause issues if we have too much.

Listen to Your Gut: Each person’s body reacts differently to fiber. This is because of the different tiny organisms living in our guts.

So, while one person might be okay eating a lot of a certain type of fiber, another person might feel bloated or gassy.

Thinking of Fiber Supplements? While supplements can help increase fiber intake, they might cause more tummy troubles than natural food sources of fiber.

Making Fiber-Friendly Choices

So, how can we use this information to make better food choices?

Start Slow: If you want to increase your fiber intake, start slow. Add a little more fiber to your diet each day rather than all at once. This gives your body time to adjust.

Drink Water: When you eat more fiber, drink more water. This can help prevent constipation and other digestive problems.

Diversify Your Diet: Don’t rely on just one source of fiber. Try different fiber-rich foods to see which ones your stomach handles best.

Look at Food Labels: When buying packaged foods, look at the nutrition label. Choose products that have more fiber.

Ask for Expert Advice: If you’re unsure about the best sources of fiber or how much to eat, talk to a dietitian. They can help create a meal plan that’s right for you.


In short, fiber is great for our health, but getting the right amount can be tricky. The key is to listen to your body and make gradual changes to your diet.

With the findings from the University of Illinois, we’re now better equipped to boost our fiber intake in a way that’s both beneficial and comfortable.

So, the next time you’re at the grocery store, why not throw some beans, whole grains, or veggies into your cart? Your tummy and health will thank you!

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