A Guide to reducing sodium intake: simple steps for a healthier you

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High sodium intake is linked to various health problems like hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Thankfully, cutting down on sodium is easier than you might think.

In fact, you’ll find that your taste for sodium can change over time. Here are some practical tips to reduce your sodium intake and improve your overall health.

Understand Food Labels

  • Action: Familiarize yourself with Nutrition Facts labels on food packages.
  • Goal: Aim to consume foods that together do not exceed 100% DV (Daily Value) of sodium, which is less than 2,300 mg per day.

Cook Your Own Food

  • Action: Whenever possible, prepare your own meals at home.
  • Goal: Avoid or limit the use of packaged sauces, instant noodles, and other processed foods that are high in sodium.

Enhance Flavor Naturally

  • Action: Use herbs, spices, and no-salt seasoning blends.
  • Goal: Cut down on the table salt you add during cooking or eating.

Opt for Fresh Produce

  • Action: Choose fresh meats, poultry, and seafood over processed options.
  • Goal: Always check labels on fresh produce to ensure that no salt water or saline has been added.

Be Veggie-Smart

  • Action: Opt for fresh, frozen (no sauce), or low-sodium canned vegetables.
  • Goal: Avoid canned veggies that are high in sodium.

Rinse Before Use

  • Action: Rinse canned foods like beans, vegetables, and tuna before eating.
  • Goal: This can remove some of the sodium from these foods.

Snack Wisely

  • Action: Choose low-sodium or no-salt-added snacks.
  • Goal: Go for healthier snack options like carrot sticks or celery instead of high-sodium chips or pretzels.

Reconsider Condiments

  • Action: Use reduced-sodium or light versions of condiments.
  • Goal: Be cautious about how much you use; even small amounts can add up.

Control Portions

  • Action: Serve smaller portions.
  • Goal: Reducing the amount of food you eat automatically cuts down the sodium too.

Be Restaurant-Smart

  • Action: When dining out, ask for meals to be prepared without added salt and for sauces and dressings on the side.
  • Goal: Also, ask if nutritional information is available and choose options that are lower in sodium.


Reducing sodium in your diet is not only achievable but also can be a delicious venture. By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier lifestyle. Remember, it’s never too late to make a positive change!Top of Form

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