Eating right for menopause: the best and worst foods

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Going through menopause? You’re not alone, and you probably know it comes with a lot of changes, like hot flashes, mood swings, and weight gain.

But did you know that what you eat can help ease some of these symptoms? Yep, certain foods can be your best friends during this time, while others might just make things worse.

Here’s a simple guide to help you navigate your food choices during menopause.

Best Foods for Easing Menopause Symptoms

Fruits and Veggies

You probably already know that fruits and vegetables are good for you, but they’re especially helpful during menopause.

Foods like berries, oranges, and leafy greens are rich in vitamins and fiber. They also help you feel full, which is great if you’re worried about weight gain.

Whole Grains

Swap out white bread and pasta for their whole-grain versions, like whole-wheat bread and brown rice.

Whole grains are good for your heart and can help control your weight. They also help manage blood sugar levels, which can be erratic during menopause.

Lean Protein

Lean meats like chicken, fish, and turkey are full of protein without all the fat. Protein can help you build and maintain muscle, which is important for keeping a healthy weight.

If you’re a vegetarian, no worries. Lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes are great plant-based protein options.

Foods to Limit or Avoid During Menopause

Sugary and Processed Foods

Chocolates and cookies might seem like the perfect comfort food, but they can make your menopause symptoms worse.

High sugar levels can mess with your blood sugar and can lead to weight gain. Stick to natural sweets like fruits when you need a sugar fix.

Spicy Foods

Love spicy foods? They might not love you back during menopause. Spicy foods can trigger hot flashes, so you might want to keep the hot sauce to a minimum.

Caffeine and Alcohol

While a glass of wine or a cup of coffee may be your go-to for relaxation, both can contribute to hot flashes and poor sleep. Try cutting back or switching to decaf to see if it makes a difference in how you feel.

Conclusion: Every Woman is Different

Remember, menopause is a personal journey, and what works for one woman might not work for another. Start by including more menopause-friendly foods in your diet and see how you feel.

You might find that certain foods really do make your symptoms more manageable.

And if you’re not sure what to eat or want more tailored advice, don’t hesitate to consult with a healthcare provider. Eating right can make a big difference in how you experience menopause, so why not give it a try?

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