Potassium-rich foods like bananas, avocados, and salmon can offset salt’s negative effects, especially in women, study finds

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A recent study by scientists from Amsterdam University has found that consuming potassium-rich foods can help mitigate the adverse effects of high salt intake, particularly in women.

High salt consumption is commonly linked to high blood pressure and elevated risks of heart attacks and strokes.

The study involved 24,963 participants from the EPIC-Norfolk study, conducted between 1993 and 1997 in Norfolk, UK. Participants completed lifestyle questionnaires, had their blood pressure measured, and provided urine samples.

Key Findings

Potassium and Blood Pressure in Women: A direct correlation was found between potassium intake and lower blood pressure in women.

This link was most robust in women with high sodium intake. For these women, every 1-gram increase in daily potassium resulted in a 2.4 mmHg drop in systolic blood pressure.

Men Vs. Women: Interestingly, no association was found between potassium intake and blood pressure in men.

Cardiovascular Events: Over a median follow-up of 19.5 years, 13,596 participants experienced heart disease events.

The risk was 13% lower among people with the highest potassium intake compared to those with the lowest. When data for men and women were analyzed separately, risk reductions were 7% and 11%, respectively.

Independence from Salt Intake: The link between potassium and reduced risk of heart events did not seem to be influenced by the amount of salt in the participants’ diets.


Role of Potassium: The mineral seems to play a critical role in helping the body excrete sodium through urine, thereby offering a protective effect against high blood pressure.

Gender-Specific Effects: The study suggests that potassium-rich diets may have more significant health gains for women than men, particularly for those consuming high-sodium diets.

Multiple Mechanisms: Besides aiding in sodium excretion, potassium appears to have other ways of preserving heart health.

Dietary Guidance: These findings could have implications for public health guidance. With processed foods making salt reduction challenging, focusing on increasing potassium-rich foods like bananas, avocados, and salmon may offer an alternative strategy for managing blood pressure and heart health.

The research was conducted by Professor Liffert Vogt et al. and published in the European Heart Journal.

Understanding why women benefit more than men from potassium-rich diets and uncovering the additional mechanisms by which potassium protects the heart could be subjects for future research.

This study presents an exciting avenue for managing high blood pressure and heart health, offering practical advice for dietary changes that could benefit the public.

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