Best supplements for kidney health you need to know

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Your kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist, located just below the rib cage on each side of your spine.

They play a crucial role in filtering out waste from your blood, balancing bodily fluids, and maintaining healthy blood pressure. Keeping them in top shape is vital to your overall health.

As with many other parts of the body, what we consume can influence the health of our kidneys.

While there’s a lot of buzz about different supplements said to enhance kidney health, not all of them live up to the hype.

In this guide, we’ll explore some of the most researched and recommended supplements for supporting kidney function.

Fish Oil: More than Just for the Heart

We often hear about the cardiovascular benefits of fish oil, but did you know it can also help your kidneys? Fish oil, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.

Inflammation can be a big enemy to the kidneys, especially for those with kidney disease.

Research indicates that regular intake of fish oil supplements can slow the decline in kidney function in people with existing kidney diseases.

However, it’s essential to speak with a doctor before starting any new supplement, especially if you already have a health condition.

Tips for choosing fish oil:

  • Opt for a brand that tests for contaminants to ensure purity.
  • Check the label for the EPA and DHA content, the primary beneficial omega-3s in fish oil.

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin for Your Kidneys

Vitamin D isn’t just for bones; it’s essential for the kidneys too. Our kidneys convert vitamin D from the food we eat and the sun’s rays into the active form our body can use.

However, those with kidney disease often have difficulty making this conversion, leading to vitamin D deficiency.

Supplementing with vitamin D can help prevent this deficiency, essential for calcium absorption and overall bone health. More recent research also points to potential protective effects against chronic kidney disease.

How to get the most out of Vitamin D supplementation:

  • Discuss with your doctor the appropriate dosage, as excess vitamin D can be harmful.
  • Pair your supplement with foods rich in vitamin D, like fortified dairy, fish, and eggs.

Probiotics: Good Bacteria for Gut and Kidney Health

You might wonder what the gut has to do with the kidneys. Well, an imbalance of harmful bacteria in our gut can produce toxins. When these toxins enter our bloodstream, they can harm the kidneys.

Probiotics, also known as “good bacteria,” can help balance our gut flora, reducing the number of toxins produced.

This balance can indirectly support kidney health. Some studies even suggest that certain strains of probiotics can directly support kidney function and reduce inflammation.

Probiotics intake made simple:

  • Choose a supplement with multiple strains of bacteria for a diverse gut flora.
  • Keep your probiotics refrigerated if the label suggests doing so.
  • Pair with a balanced diet rich in fiber to feed and nourish these beneficial bacteria.


The health of our kidneys is intricately connected to what we consume. Supplements like fish oil, vitamin D, and probiotics can offer additional support in maintaining healthy kidney function.

However, remember that while these supplements can be beneficial, they should never replace prescribed medications or a balanced diet.

Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement to ensure it’s suitable for your specific health needs.

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