High fiber and yogurt diet linked to lower lung cancer risk

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While high-fiber and yogurt-rich diets are already known for their benefits in combating cardiovascular disease and gastrointestinal cancer, a recent study from Vanderbilt University reveals a potential link between such diets and a decreased risk of lung cancer.

The research analyzed data from 1.4 million adults across the United States, Europe, and Asia, providing significant insights into dietary impacts on lung health.

Researchers categorized participants into five groups based on their fiber and yogurt consumption levels.

By comparing those with the highest intake of yogurt and fiber to those with the least, the study aimed to identify any correlation between dietary habits and lung cancer risk.

The diverse set of participants included past and current smokers, individuals from varied backgrounds, and both men and women.

Key Findings

Participants with the highest consumption of yogurt and fiber experienced a 33% reduction in lung cancer risk compared to those who did not consume yogurt and had low fiber intake.

This inverse association between a high fiber and yogurt diet and lung cancer risk was consistent across different groups, regardless of smoking status, gender, or background.

The research supports the US 2015-2020 Dietary Guideline recommending a high fiber and yogurt diet.


The observed health benefits are believed to stem from the prebiotic and probiotic properties of high-fiber and yogurt-rich diets, which can modulate gut microbiota beneficially, either independently or synergistically.

This modulation may offer a protective effect against lung cancer, showcasing the importance of diet in maintaining lung health and preventing diseases.


The study conducted by Xiao-Ou Shu and published in JAMA Oncology underscores the potential of a high fiber and yogurt diet in reducing the risk of lung cancer, presenting a robust and consistent inverse association across diverse groups of individuals.

These findings not only reinforce the already established benefits of such diets for cardiovascular and gastrointestinal health but also open avenues for further research into dietary impacts on lung health.

Those interested in lung health can explore more about the impacts of processed meats on lung function and early-stage lung cancer detection through blood tests.

Additionally, insights into the formation of blood clots in the lungs during COVID-19 and potential herbal supplements for lung cancer treatment can offer more comprehensive understanding of lung health and disease management.

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