Why the Mediterranean diet can help prevent heart disease and dementia
The Mediterranean diet has been celebrated for decades as a way to eat delicious food while staying healthy.
It’s not just a trendy eating style—it’s...
Could alcohol use speed up Alzheimer’s?
Nearly 7 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease, a number expected to double by 2060.
While aging and genetics are the most significant risk factors,...
Mediterranean diet supplement may help slow down aging, study suggests
As people live longer, there’s growing interest in finding safe and effective ways to promote healthy aging.
One area of focus is diet, as poor...
Eating berries, tea, and dark chocolate may help lower dementia risk, study finds
A new study has shown that eating foods rich in flavonoids—like berries, tea, red wine, and dark chocolate—may reduce the risk of developing dementia.
How the MIND diet could help prevent memory loss
A new study suggests that people who follow the MIND diet may have a lower risk of developing memory and thinking problems later in...
Scientists discover a natural compound that may boost lifespan and protect against Alzheimer’s
Researchers from the University of Seville in Spain, in collaboration with scientists from the University of Kent in the U.K., have made an exciting...
Flavonoid-rich foods may help lower dementia risk, study finds
A new study suggests that consuming more flavonoid-rich foods, such as berries, tea, red wine, and dark chocolate, could help reduce the risk of...
Drinking coffee moderately could help prevent stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes
Drinking coffee and consuming caffeine regularly, in moderate amounts, may help protect against developing serious health conditions like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and...
This type of food may harm your cognitive health
Ultra-processed foods have become a staple in many people's diets, especially in the United States, where they make up a significant portion of daily...
Eating small whole fish may help you live longer
A new study has found that consuming small fish regularly may lower the risk of death from all causes and cancer in Japanese women.