Mental Health

Too much sugar in diet could make you have these mental problems

Scientists from the University of Colorado found that conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD), bipolar disorder, and even aggressive behaviors may be...

Eating chocolate could help boost your cognitive function, study finds

Scientists from the University of L'Aquila found that cocoa and chocolate are not just treats—they are good for your cognition. Scientists have found that flavonoids,...

Omega-3 linked to lower depression risk

Scientists from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria found that moderately consume fish and omega-3 may help lower depression risk. Omega-3 fatty acids...

Eating fruit more often could help reduce depression

Scientists from Aston University found that people who frequently eat fruit are more likely to have greater positive mental well-being and are less likely...

Cranberries could help boost memory, study finds

Scientists from Norwich Medical School found that eating cranberries for 12 weeks could improve memory function in older people. Cranberry is an evergreen shrub that...

Mediterranean diet plus fish oil improves mental health in people with depression

Scientists from the University of South Australia found that a Mediterranean diet supplemented with fish oil can improve mental health in people with depression. The...

Mediterranean diet could help reduce depression, study finds

Scientists from the University of Technology Sydney found that a Mediterranean diet may help reduce depression symptoms in younger adults. The Mediterranean diet is a...

Omega-3 supplements could improve memory functions in older people

Scientists from Charité-Universitätsmedizin found that omega-3 supplementation could benefit memory functions in healthy older people. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain...