Eating a diet causing inflammation may increase risk of type 2 diabetes

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Scientists from the Tehran University of Medical Sciences and elsewhere found that eating a diet that causes inflammation may increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

The study looked at how certain foods could affect the risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2DM), a condition where the body can’t properly use insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

The researchers also looked at how these foods affected other health factors like obesity, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

They used something called the dietary inflammatory index (DII) to measure the “inflammatory potential” of the foods people ate.

Basically, some foods can cause inflammation in the body, which can lead to health problems like diabetes and heart disease. The DII helps measure how much inflammation a person’s diet is causing.

The researchers studied two groups of people: those with T2DM and those without. They asked them about their diets and calculated their DII scores.

Then they looked at how the DII scores were related to the risk of T2DM and other health factors.

They found that a higher DII score was associated with a higher risk of developing T2DM, meaning that people who ate foods that caused more inflammation were more likely to develop diabetes.

They also found that the effects of the DII on health factors like obesity and high cholesterol were greater in people with T2DM compared to those without the condition.

However, the study did not find a significant relationship between the DII and high blood pressure or metabolic syndrome in either group.

Overall, the study suggests that eating a diet that causes inflammation in the body could increase the risk of developing T2DM and other health problems.

This highlights the importance of eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

The research was published in BMC Cardiovascular Disorders and was conducted by Nazli Namazi et al.

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