Omega-3 fats may prevent heart disease in people with diabetes

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Guidelines recommend that people with diabetes should eat at least two servings of fatty fish per week to get enough omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to prevent heart problems.

However, studies have had mixed results about whether omega-3 fatty acids help people with diabetes avoid heart disease.

So, researchers did a study called a meta-analysis of all the randomized controlled trials to find out if omega-3 fatty acid supplements can help prevent heart problems in people with diabetes.

They looked at eight studies that included 57,754 people, and found that taking omega-3 supplements can reduce the risk of heart disease in people with diabetes.

Specifically, taking eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), but not EPA plus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), lowered the risk of heart disease in people with diabetes.

This study shows that taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements can be a helpful way to prevent heart disease in people with diabetes.

However, more research is needed to find out if omega-3 supplements are safe and effective in preventing other heart problems, like atrial fibrillation.

It’s important to remember that taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements is not a replacement for other treatments or lifestyle changes that your doctor may recommend, such as medication or healthy eating habits.

If you’re considering taking omega-3 supplements, it’s always best to talk to your doctor first.

Overall, this study provides evidence that omega-3 fatty acid supplements can be an effective way to prevent heart disease in people with diabetes.

If you have diabetes or are worried about your heart health, it’s important to talk to your doctor about the best way to keep your heart healthy.

How to prevent heart disease if you have diabetes

If you have diabetes, it’s important to take steps to prevent heart disease. Here are some things you can do:

Control your blood sugar: High blood sugar levels can damage your blood vessels and increase your risk of heart disease. Keeping your blood sugar under control is essential to preventing heart problems.

Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese can increase your risk of heart disease. Losing weight if you need to and maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce your risk.

Exercise regularly: Exercise is good for your heart and can help you maintain a healthy weight. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

Eat a healthy diet: Eating a diet that is low in saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, and salt, and high in fiber, fruits, and vegetables can help lower your risk of heart disease.

Stop smoking: Smoking is a major risk factor for heart disease. If you smoke, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your heart health.

Manage your blood pressure and cholesterol: High blood pressure and high cholesterol can increase your risk of heart disease. Work with your doctor to keep these under control.

Take medications as prescribed: If your doctor prescribes medication to help manage your diabetes or prevent heart disease, it’s important to take them as directed.

By following these steps, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your overall health if you have diabetes.

The research was published in Advances in Nutrition.

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