Wine may lower type 2 diabetes risk, says study

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Are you a wine enthusiast who enjoys a glass with your evening meal?

According to recent research at Tulane University, this simple pleasure might have a health benefit – potentially reducing the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The study, led by Hao Ma and his team, was shared at a conference organized by the American Heart Association.

It focused on the timing of alcohol intake – an aspect often overlooked in previous research.

Looking at the Link

The researchers conducted their study using data from the UK Biobank, a health resource containing in-depth genetic and health information.

From this resource, they selected about 312,400 adults who reported regularly drinking alcohol.

Over an average follow-up period of nearly 11 years, around 8,600 of these adults developed type 2 diabetes.

The research team sought to understand if there was a connection between the timing of alcohol intake and the development of this condition.

A Surprising Connection

Their findings were intriguing. They discovered that drinking alcohol with meals was linked to a 14% lower risk of type 2 diabetes compared to drinking alcohol without food.

This potential benefit was only found in those who drank during meals.

Even more interestingly, the type of alcohol seemed to matter. The link between reduced risk of type 2 diabetes and drinking with meals was most commonly seen in wine drinkers.

Wine Versus Other Alcohol

While wine, beer, and liquor are all alcoholic beverages, they had different associations with the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Consuming more wine was associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. On the other hand, consuming more beer or liquor was linked to a higher risk.

For this study, moderate drinking was defined as up to one glass (about 150 ml) of wine daily for women and up to two glasses (about 300 ml) daily for men.

Limitations and Further Research

However, it’s important to note that the study has its limitations.

Most participants were white adults of European descent who reported their own drinking habits. This raises the question of whether these findings apply to other populations.

The results of this study are a reminder of the complex relationship between our lifestyle choices and our health.

While further research is needed to fully understand these connections, it seems that enjoying a glass of wine with dinner might be more than just a delightful ritual – it might also contribute to better health.

If you care about diabetes, please read studies about high vitamin D levels linked to lower dementia risk in diabetes, and this eating habit could help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

For more information about nutrition, please see recent studies about unhealthy plant-based diets linked to metabolic syndrome, and results showing the Paleo diet plus exercise could boost heart health in people with diabetes

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