DASH diet shows potential to lower uric acid levels and prevent gout

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Researchers from Johns Hopkins University have discovered that the DASH (Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension) diet can significantly lower uric acid levels in the blood.

Elevated uric acid levels are a key factor in gout, a painful form of arthritis.

This discovery, published in the journal Arthritis & Rheumatology, adds a new dimension to the well-known benefits of the DASH diet in lowering blood pressure.

The study, led by Stephen Juraschek and his team, looked at 103 adults with either pre-high blood pressure or stage 1 high blood pressure.

Participants were assigned to either the DASH diet or a control diet resembling the typical American diet.

Additionally, they were provided with diets containing low, medium, and high levels of sodium for 30 days, each in a randomized order.

Key Findings

The DASH diet lowered uric acid levels by an average of 0.35 mg/dL across participants.

For individuals with uric acid levels exceeding 7 mg/dL—a common range among gout patients—the reduction was more substantial, exceeding 1 mg/dL.

Surprisingly, higher sodium intake was associated with lower uric acid levels, although the mechanism behind this remains unclear.

Implications for Gout Management

Gout is a form of arthritis known for causing extreme pain and disability. Managing uric acid levels is crucial for preventing gout flares.

The study’s findings suggest that the DASH diet, which emphasizes fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, and whole grains while reducing saturated fats, could be a practical way to manage gout effectively.

Additional Insights: Sodium Intake

The study also found that higher sodium intake lowered uric acid levels, a finding that could further our understanding of dietary triggers for gout.

However, the mechanism by which sodium affects uric acid levels is still not understood and warrants further investigation.

Given these promising results, physicians can confidently recommend the DASH diet as a preventative strategy for patients with gout.

Future studies could further explore the relationship between sodium intake and uric acid levels, as well as confirm these findings in larger and more diverse populations.


The study by Johns Hopkins University researchers provides compelling evidence that the DASH diet may offer a dietary approach to managing gout.

Not only does it lower uric acid levels but it also presents a new avenue for understanding how dietary factors like sodium intake can influence gout risks.

This represents a significant advancement in the options available for gout prevention and management.

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