Is Intermittent Fasting good for your health?

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Intermittent fasting (IF) has persisted in its popularity as a dieting trend. Despite gaining immense traction in 2020 in the U.S., questions surround its effectiveness and long-term implications.

Understanding Intermittent Fasting:

What is it?

IF encompasses a variety of eating patterns, characterized by intervals of eating and fasting.

Some methods include alternating days of unrestricted eating (“feast days”) and limited intake (“fast days”).

Others involve time-restricted eating or periodic fasting, sometimes up to 24 hours twice a week.

Claimed Benefits:

Proponents say it aids in weight loss, cholesterol control, and blood sugar management.

However, limited and inconsistent clinical trials make the proclaimed advantages questionable. For instance, a significant dropout rate in clinical trials makes conclusions challenging.

There are hints at potential weight loss, but mechanisms (e.g., reduced intake or metabolic benefits) remain unclear.


Rachel Rodgers, an applied psychology expert, expresses reservations about IF. She sees it as a rule-based system that can lead to an unhealthy binge-restriction cycle.

Lack of substantial data prevents clear insight into any long-term side effects. Rodgers fears it might augment rule-dependent habits and possibly spur disordered eating or other mental health issues.


The appeal of IF might stem from its emphasis on when to eat, not what to eat, which some find less restrictive.

The modern food environment, with aggressive marketing and engineered foods that make moderation hard, might make IF’s clear-cut approach seem more manageable.

A Healthier Approach?

Rodgers believes in flexible approaches tailored to individual needs. Such methods prioritize physical cues like hunger and satiety, promoting a deeper understanding of one’s body.

Intuitive Eating: Rejects diet culture, emphasizing attunement to hunger, satiety, and personal preferences.

Mindful Eating: Focuses on savoring and appreciating food, encouraging nonjudgmental attention to the act of eating.

Rodgers emphasizes the importance of understanding why drastic diets like IF become appealing.

The challenge lies in our food environment, where processed and calorie-dense foods dominate, making moderation difficult.

As such, the critical question is not whether IF is the right solution, but how we’ve come to perceive it as one.

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