MIND and Mediterranean diets could help prevent Parkinson’s disease

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The Mediterranean diet, inspired by the eating habits of those living near the Mediterranean Sea, primarily includes plant-based foods and healthy fats.

The MIND diet, combining elements from the Mediterranean diet and the DASH diet, is known for its neuroprotective effects against diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Researchers from the University of British Columbia have recently found a substantial connection between adherence to the MIND and Mediterranean diets and delayed onset of Parkinson’s Disease (PD).

Study Overview

The study explored the correlation between the onset age of Parkinson’s disease and adherence to the MIND and Mediterranean diets.

The diets are characterized by high intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, with reduced meat intake. The study involved testing 176 participants, analyzing their adherence to the diets and the age of PD onset.

Key Findings

Close adherence to the MIND and Mediterranean diets is associated with a delayed start of Parkinson’s disease.

The impact was more pronounced in women following the MIND diet, delaying onset by up to 17.4 years.

Men experienced a delay in the onset of up to 8.4 years primarily through adherence to the Mediterranean diet.

The study underscores the potential role of nutrition in delaying the onset of Parkinson’s, especially given the lack of medications to prevent or delay the disease.


The study illuminates the profound implications of diet on brain health, showing that the right nutrition could possibly postpone the onset of Parkinson’s disease.

This is especially noteworthy as approximately 60 percent of those diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease are men, emphasizing the importance of diet adherence among both sexes.

The study encourages further exploration of how specific foods and micronutrients impact brain health, providing insights into dietary impacts and prompting further research into the relationship between the microbiome and its effects on the brain.

This groundbreaking research paves the way for more nuanced investigations into the connections between nutrition and neurological disorders, focusing especially on the impacts of the microbiome on brain health.

Those interested in learning more about Parkinson’s disease can explore studies regarding optimal treatment methods, the role of flavonoid-rich foods, and the preventive potentials of Vitamin E.


The findings, as published in Movement Disorders by Dr. Silke Appel-Cresswell and team, accentuate the promising potential of the MIND and Mediterranean diets in delaying the onset of Parkinson’s disease, revealing that meticulous adherence to such diets can have substantial neuroprotective effects.

These revelations are crucial, providing a dietary pathway to combat the onset of Parkinson’s disease, thereby offering hope and highlighting the role of nutritional patterns in neurological health.

However, more extensive research is required to further understand the underlying mechanisms and to confirm these promising findings in diverse populations.

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