Cocoa could benefit your cognitive function, study finds

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Chocolate and cocoa have delighted palates for centuries, but did you know these sweet delights might also harbor benefits for your brain?

A research team from the University of L’Aquila has delved into understanding cocoa, not just as a delightful treat, but as a potential supporter of our cognition, illuminating how indulging in chocolate might just be a treat for our minds as well.

Cocoa: A Treasure Trove of Flavonoids

Cocoa is an incredible source of flavonoids, a type of polyphenolic compound known for its myriad health benefits.

Notably, the cocoa bean provides a rich supply of a specific subgroup of flavonoids known as flavanols, particularly epicatechin and catechin.

Prior studies have illuminated cocoa’s potential in enhancing cholesterol and blood sugar levels and diminishing the risk of heart disease.

Additionally, cocoa is abundant in theobromine, a compound that helps mitigate inflammation and potentially shield us from numerous diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Lifting the Veil on Cocoa and Cognition

Intriguingly, there has been a burgeoning interest in how cocoa and cocoa-derived foods might wield the potential to diminish cognitive decline, especially in at-risk individuals.

In the study under discussion, the researchers sought to unearth the long-term and short-term impacts of cocoa flavanols on various cognitive abilities, spanning executive functions, attention, and memory.

What they found was a delightful revelation: frequent cocoa intake was associated with enhancements in general cognition, attention, processing speed, and working memory.

But that’s not all – cocoa flavanols also showed promise in boosting normal cognitive functioning and providing a protective shield on cognitive performance and cardiovascular function, which may be impaired due to sleep loss in otherwise healthy individuals.

Cocoa: A Sweet Ally Against Cognitive Decline

These findings weave together a narrative suggesting that cocoa might help defend our cognition and stave off various forms of cognitive decline.

It might serve as an efficacious tool to thwart age-related cognitive decline and uphold standard cognitive performance in healthy individuals.

However, balance is key, and while cocoa might be beneficial, moderation is crucial to avoid consuming excess calories. Researchers suggest a “dose” of cocoa at approximately 1 to 2 ounces or 30-60g.

Among foods rich in cocoa, we find cocoa butter, cocoa beans, cocoa powder, and particularly, dark chocolates. So, next time you indulge in a piece of dark chocolate, you might just be offering your brain a sweet little boost.

Conclusion: Sweetness and Science Intertwined

In a blend of sweetness and science, this research, published in Frontiers in Nutrition and conducted by Valentina Socci and team, brings to light the beautiful connection between the delicious world of cocoa and the complex universe of our cognition.

While we relish in the delightful tastes of cocoa and dark chocolate, it’s comforting to know that, in moderation, these treats might just be providing our brains with a lovely, beneficial embrace.

This research unfurls a fascinating pathway, where further exploration might continue to uncover the diverse ways in which our dietary choices, even the sweet ones, intertwine with our cognitive health and overall well-being.

So, here’s to savoring our treats and exploring the sweet, scientific mysteries they might hold.

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