Diet could help halt liver cancer growth, study finds

Researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have found that eliminating the amino acid tryptophan from the diet can effectively stop the growth of liver...

Herbal supplements for controlling type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a condition where the body struggles to regulate blood sugar levels effectively. While traditional treatments like medication and lifestyle changes are...

How to manage arthritis with diet

Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain, swelling, and stiffness in the joints. While there's no cure for arthritis, certain dietary choices can help...

Fasting may increase cancer risk, shows study

Fasting and low-calorie diets have been praised for their potential health benefits, including delaying age-related diseases and extending lifespan. However, a recent study by MIT...

Scientists find hidden cause of the obesity crisis

Obesity is a global issue that has been growing rapidly since 1975. According to the World Health Organization, the number of overweight people has nearly...

Can vitamin supplements help prevent diabetes?

Diabetes is a growing health concern worldwide, with millions of people affected by this condition that can lead to serious complications like heart disease,...

Coffee and diabetes: the benefits and drawbacks

For many people, the day doesn't truly begin until they've had their first cup of coffee. However, if you have diabetes or are at risk...

20 minutes of mindful breathing can significantly reduce cancer pain

A recent study has found that just 20 minutes of mindful breathing can quickly reduce the intensity and unpleasantness of cancer-related pain, as well...

Eating red and processed meat linked to higher risk of type 2 diabetes

A new study has found that eating red and processed meat is linked to a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The research, published...

Palm oil may spread some cancers, shows study

Researchers in Barcelona have discovered that a type of fat found in palm oil, known as palmitic acid, can increase the spread of certain...

Best and worse fruits for people with diabetes

Living with diabetes often means navigating a complex dietary landscape. One common question that emerges is, "Can I eat fruit?" Given the sweet nature of...

Vegan diet more effective than Mediterranean diet for reducing harmful compounds and promoting weight...

A new study has found that a low-fat vegan diet is more effective at reducing harmful dietary compounds and promoting weight loss than the...

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