What foods may increase depression?

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Depression is a serious mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

While there are many factors that can contribute to depression, including genetics, environment, and life events, research has shown that diet may also play a role.

In this article, we will review the foods that can increase depression.

  1. Processed Foods

Processed foods, such as fast food, frozen meals, and packaged snacks, are often high in unhealthy fats, sugar, salt, and calories.

These foods can contribute to inflammation in the body, which has been linked to an increased risk of depression.

A study published in BMC Medicine found that people who consumed a diet high in processed foods had a higher risk of depression than those who consumed a diet high in whole foods.

  1. Sugary Drinks

Sugary drinks, such as soda and energy drinks, are often high in sugar and calories and can contribute to inflammation in the body.

A study published in the American Journal of Public Health found that people who consumed more sugary drinks had a higher risk of depression than those who consumed less.

  1. Fried Foods

Fried foods, such as french fries, fried chicken, and onion rings, are often high in unhealthy fats and calories.

These foods can contribute to inflammation in the body and have been linked to an increased risk of depression.

A study published in Public Health Nutrition found that people who consumed more fried foods had a higher risk of depression than those who consumed less.

  1. Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, pasta, and rice, are often high in sugar and have a high glycemic index.

These foods can cause blood sugar levels to spike and then crash, which can contribute to mood swings and fatigue.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people who consumed a diet high in refined carbohydrates had a higher risk of depression than those who consumed a diet high in whole foods.

  1. Alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant that can affect mood and mental health. While alcohol may provide temporary relief from anxiety and stress, excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to depression and other mental health problems.

A study published in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence found that people who consumed more alcohol had a higher risk of depression than those who consumed less.

  1. Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame and sucralose, are often found in diet sodas and other low-calorie products.

While these sweeteners are marketed as a healthier alternative to sugar, research has shown that they may contribute to depression and other mental health problems.

A study published in the journal PLOS ONE found that people who consumed more artificial sweeteners had a higher risk of depression than those who consumed less.


The foods that can increase depression are often high in unhealthy fats, sugar, salt, and calories.

These foods can contribute to inflammation in the body, cause blood sugar levels to spike and then crash, and affect mood and mental health.

To reduce the risk of depression, it is important to focus on a whole-food, plant-based diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.

When purchasing packaged foods, it is important to read the ingredient labels carefully and choose products that are low in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats.

By making these changes to our diets, we can improve our mental health and well-being.

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