Even moderate drinking doesn’t protect against obesity and diabetes

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Enjoying a glass of wine or beer occasionally? You might want to reconsider if you’re doing it for health reasons.

Alcohol consumption and its implications for health have always been at the center of many discussions.

While the dangers of excessive drinking – from liver diseases to heart issues – are well-known, the potential health effects (or benefits) of moderate drinking remain a subject of debate.

A recent study published in the Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism has found that even those who consume just one or two drinks per day are not shielded against endocrine conditions such as obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Tianyuan Lu, a Ph.D. holder from McGill University in Québec, Canada, says, “While some studies suggested that moderate drinkers might have a lesser risk of developing obesity or diabetes compared to heavy or non-drinkers, our findings challenge this notion.”

In the study, the team found those consuming more than 14 drinks per week displayed higher fat mass, greater risk of obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

Notably, the impacts were more pronounced among women. Furthermore, moderate drinking (up to seven drinks weekly) showed no health benefits.

Dr. Lu hopes that the findings will pave the way for informed health decisions, urging people to choose healthier lifestyles over alcohol consumption.

While the occasional drink might be pleasurable, relying on it for health benefits might be misguided. As always, moderation is key, and making informed health decisions based on comprehensive research is crucial.

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