How the green Mediterranean diet can melt away harmful belly fat

Credit: Ronise dalus / Unsplash

Visceral fat is a particularly dangerous kind of fat that accumulates around our internal organs, posing greater health risks than the fat we can see around our waist.

It secretes harmful substances linked to severe conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, dementia, and could lead to early death.

Reducing this hidden fat is more crucial for health than merely losing weight or reducing waist circumference.

The Green Mediterranean Diet

A study led by scientists from Ben-Gurion University has brought forward the concept of the green Mediterranean diet.

This diet is a variation of the well-known traditional Mediterranean diet but includes more plant-based foods rich in beneficial compounds called polyphenols and reduces the intake of red and processed meats.

On a daily basis, this diet includes green tea, walnuts, and a shake made from the aquatic plant duckweed, which is rich in proteins, vitamins, iron, B12, and minerals, serving as a meat substitute.

The team’s previous research has demonstrated that this diet can have positive effects on various health aspects, including aging-related conditions.

The Impact of the Diet

Researchers compared the effects of the green Mediterranean diet, the traditional Mediterranean diet, and a non-Mediterranean healthy diet on visceral fat in 294 participants over 18 months.

They discovered that the green Mediterranean diet remarkably reduced visceral fat by 14%, compared to a 7% reduction with the traditional Mediterranean diet and a 4.5% reduction with the non-Mediterranean healthy diet.

A 14% reduction in harmful belly fat represents a significant achievement through just simple dietary and lifestyle modifications.

Beyond Just Calories

The researchers from the study emphasize that when considering weight loss and healthy eating, the quality of food is equally, if not more, important than the number of calories consumed.

The objective is to understand how various nutrients impact our health, like beneficial polyphenols and detrimental empty carbohydrates and processed red meats.

Focusing on the effects of these nutrients on the accumulation of fat in specific areas of the body can offer deeper insights into achieving weight loss that truly benefits health.

Conclusion: A Simple, Life-Changing Choice

This study not only highlights the perils of visceral fat but also offers a viable solution in the form of the green Mediterranean diet.

The improvements seen in the participants who followed this diet indicate that incorporating more plant-based foods and reducing harmful food types can make a substantial difference in reducing the hidden, hazardous fat around our organs.

This diet is not just about losing weight—it’s about embracing a lifestyle that prioritizes the quality of the food we consume, focusing on nutrient-rich options that combat the accumulation of harmful fat and promote overall well-being.

It’s about making conscientious choices every day to nurture our bodies and protect our future health.

Weight loss, in this context, isn’t just a numerical goal on a scale but a comprehensive approach to nurturing our bodies from the inside out, ensuring that the weight loss is healthy, sustainable, and beneficial in the long run.

This approach enables us to ward off severe health conditions and live longer, healthier lives.

Whether or not you are concerned about weight loss, adapting to such a nutrient-rich, balanced diet can be a simple yet profound way to safeguard your health against numerous ailments and enhance the quality of your life.

If you care about weight loss, please read studies that hop extract could reduce belly fat in overweight people, and early time-restricted eating could help lose weight .

For more information about weight loss, please see recent studies that Mediterranean diet can reduce belly fat much better, and Keto diet could help control body weight and blood sugar in diabetes.

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